Recently there was a meeting of Growers, Scientists, and Pest control advisors from various companies held at the Dryden Gun Club. The subject of discussion was “how to communicate research funded to the growers”. From that meeting a list of resources was assembled and this is the first edition of the list. This is a growing list and if you have another source of information you believe to be relevant, please contact Randall Chipman at Chipman.randall@gmail.com 509-860 0712and he will handle the rest.
All WSU newsletters, IPM (multiple crops), Tree fruit, irrigated Ag, Viticulture and Enology. https://iarec.wsu.edu/extension/
Fruit matters- http://treefruit.wsu.edu/newsletter/ Subscribe link- https://wsu.us13.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=2eff8714011ff4bfba18a0704&id=9dc1a6349a
Good Fruit Grower
Western Fruit Grower https://www.meistermedia.com/touchpoints-newsletters/
Fruit Growers News https://fruitgrowersnews.com/
Capital Ag Press https://www.capitalpress.com/
Databases and Websites:
WSU Tree Fruit http://treefruit.wsu.edu/
OSU extension- Agriculture https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/topic/agriculture
Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission https://treefruitresearch.org/research-database/
Online tools:
Decision Aid System (DAS) https://decisionaid.systems/
WSU AgWeathernet https://weather.wsu.edu/
Irrigation calculators http://irrigation.wsu.edu/Content/Select-Calculators.php
Research reviews. WTFRC held, free. https://treefruitresearch.org/reviews/
NW Horticulture show https://wstfa.org/annual-meeting/
Fruit schools- See WSU Tree Fruit calendar or IAREC page http://treefruit.wsu.edu/events/
Field days WSU Tree Fruit Calendar or IAREC page https://iarec.wsu.edu/extension/events/
Randall Chipman- Chipman.randall@gmail.com 509-860 0712